The Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute (MERI) operating in Nashik is not only the dam but also the brain of constructions across the state. MERI's work is very disciplined. MERI's has established its distinction on the trid of research, study and training.
The entire credit goes to the Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute (MERI) for whatever dams are built across the state. There is only one identity of this institution in the whole state. But, does MERI do just that? So Knowing MERI's work, we not only understand her contribution in the development of the state, but also feel great respect for MERI. MERI is proving how much and how much work an administrative organization can do to become a milestone. Governments have to build roads, dams and other construction works across the state, so it was thought in the fifties that studies and research should be the main concern for these works. There was a lot of discussion on this. How the organization should be, what it should not be and other matters were also greatly affected. Finally in 1959 MERI was enshrined in Mumbai.
It was decided that the organization should work on various aspects like soil texture, construction information and materials study, inspection, highways, beaches, remote netting, water bodies, sand in reservoirs, condition of the rocks, but, considering the scope of the work of the organization, it was necessary to give it a nurturing and environment. . That is why MERI was shifted to Nashik in 1976. MERI was established in such a magnificent area, now the area is flourishing. The Director General is the head of MERI. A total of seven departments are functioning in MERI. These include Central design Organization (CDO), Maharashtra Engineering Training Acadamy (META), Planning and Public Sciences, Maharashtra Engineering Research institute, Dam Safety Organization, Quality Control Boards and State Level Technical Advisory Committee (SLTAC).
A Seismic Isolation Center has been constructed in MERI's premises. Earthquakes not only in India but also in Afghanistan were recorded in this center. Such official information is given by MERI. The center informs the government about the location of the epicenter of the earthquake and the intensity of the earthquake. A quarterly newsletter on earthquakes in the state is also published by MERI. Mary also studies the effects of earthquakes and vibrations on structures. Measurement of crop area using remote sensing techniques in MERI, survey of dam sediments, collection and separation of information about seismic waves, modeling and inspection of dam embankment, canals, installation of various equipments on dams, inspection of roads, cement, sand, gravel, Testing of construction materials such as iron, plate load test, concrete mix design etc., bridge construction over various reservoirs Planning etc. is done by MERI.
Around 20 engineers work under the leadership of four superintending engineers in the central design organization. Concept work on stone dams, earthen dams, embankments, power houses, suction irrigation etc. is done here. Major, medium and small irrigation projects in the water resources department are conceptualized, weirs, dams, canals, sluice gates, water planning, flood control, geological research etc. are carried out in this department. It is necessary to provide training to the engineers entering the construction, water resources and other departments of the state government. Keeping this in mind, Staff College was established in Mary in 1964. After that the name of this college was changed to Meta. Engineers recruited through MPSC are trained in Meta. META has three divisional offices at Pune, Aurangabad and Nagpur. Various examinations of Engineers in Water Resources and Construction Department are conducted from time to time by META separate department was established in MERI in 1980 to look after the safety of dams across the state. The main task of this department is to identify and find solutions. For this reason, all the dams in the state are inspected pre-monsoon and post-monsoon by the organization. Its report is prepared and submitted to the government.
A National Hydrology Project has been announced in the country in collaboration with the World Bank. Under that, Department of Planning and Hydrology was established in Mary in 1995. The organization has two board offices and 8 divisional offices. This department collects information about water and analyzes it. Erection and maintenance of meteorological equipment is carried out by the Repair Department. The department has fixed 37 different parameters for water quality. The department has a total of 12 laboratories.
The State Level Technical Advisory Committee is responsible for river basin wise information collection, information segregation, water planning and water availability studies, administrative approval for projects costing more than 25 crores, improved administrative approval. Quality control is a separate and large department. There are total 11 divisional offices while there are circle offices at Pune, Aurangabad and Nagpur. The work of this department is to monitor the quality of construction, check the quality of various construction materials, test the materials as per standards, inspect the soil and concrete at the project site. This department does the work of various levels of work and finding solutions to the problems faced there.
All the dams that have been built or proposed in the state have been completely designed by MERI herself. Also, the safety of these dams is also taken care of by MERI. The organization also designs the embankments and canals. MERI has played a major role in the development of irrigation sector in the state. MERI's value is unique as it outlines the water conservation work required to become a water-rich region. Applied research and testing is also done in MERI with work coming from semi-governmental and private institutions. Hence MERI work has a radical impact on the development of the state and the country. Through study and research MERI is laying the foundation for innovative projects. PhD and research based courses should be started in collaboration with various universities and educational institutes like Tropical Meteorological Institute of India. Through this, while attracting the youth towards research, the new generation will also get many opportunities.
Apart from that, this research can also contribute to the development of the state.