Welcome to Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute Nashik
• This organization has been established in the year 1959. The institute mainly conducts applied research related to field problems of various projects. In the water resources and public works department of the state, construction materials testing works and suggesting solutions to regional level problems are done. Similarly, applied research and testing of construction materials are done related to work coming from government, semi-government and private organizations.
• Research and tests in the following subjects are conducted in the institute.
(A)Soil Mechanics Section: In this section further tests of engineering properties of soil are carried out.
(B) Material Testing Section In this section further various tests of construction materials are carried out.
(C) Highway Research Department No.1: Through this department, the roads in the state as well as outside the state various tests and research works are carried out in this regard. Conceptualization of additional thickness of existing road surface using Benkalman Beam Deflection Test
(D) Civil Works Maintenance division: Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute, through this department Maharashtra Engineering Training Academy, Central design Organization, Planning and Hydrology, construction and maintenance of residential and non-residential buildings and entire MERI area.
(E) Administration Department: All the administrative work of Maharashtra Institute of Engineering Research is done through this department.
(F) Resource Engineering Centre: Through this department, further research works are carried out in the state as well as abroad.