Opening times
Mon - Sat: 7.00 - 18:00

Dissemination Process

User Guide for Submission of Data Request to State Data Storage Centre-SDSC, Nashik-4

Before Submitting Data Request, it is mandatory to all Data Seekers to take ‘HDUG Membership’ from this website. Please refer Membership User Guide from HDUG Tab. After getting HDUG membership, you will get ‘Registration Number’ and ‘Username & Password’ for online submission of Data Request or offline submission of Data Request. If you already have HDUG membership then you can find its details on ‘HDUG List’ from HDUG Tab on Home Page.

There are two methods of submission of Data Request i.e., Online through HDU login provided on this website and another method of Offline Data Request Submission.

  1. Online Submission of Data Request to SDSC, Nashik
    1. HDUG Member should login on ‘HDU Login’ with user name as email id of HDU and password will be the same provided by HDU while doing membership registration.
    2. Click on DRF Entry Tab provided in HDU login area.
    3. Go to ‘Locating HP Stations’ and with help of maps and list of stations provided there on, confirm name of stations for Data Request.
    4. Go to ‘Data Availability & DRF Entry tab’ for checking Data Availability and sorting Data as per Data Type, Data Frequency, Period, etc. And click on ‘Estimated Data Cost’ to know Amount of Payment to purchase Data as per Data Policy.
    5. Click on ‘DRF Submission’ to confirm your details of Stations and Data Cost to finally Submit Data Request.
    6. After Submitting DRF, HDU Candidate must upload scan copy of following documents on website by clicking on ‘Submission of Documents’ as per category of HDU. Original hard Copy/Attested Copies of Documents must be received at Office of Hydrology Project, Nashik by post or by hand. Data Dissemination will be done only after receiving these documents to SDSC, Nashik.


Sr. No.

HDU Category

Documents Required.



  1. Copy of Registration for Ph.D Candidates
  2. Letter of Educational Institute Specifying-

-No Financial Grants available to Candidates for research specified in Data Request.

-The Data is required solely for academic or research purpose only.

  1. Self Undertaking saying ‘I will submit one copy of Project Report to Hydrology Project, Nashik after completion of research’
  2. Copy of One Page Abstract of Project Study
  3. Adhar Card from both sides.


Government/ Semi-government







  1. Latest 7/12 Abstract issued by the Talathi of Revenue Dept.


Educational Institute

  1. Copy of Registration for Ph.D Candidates
  2. Letter of Educational Institute Specifying-

-No Financial Grants available to Candidates for research specified in Data Request.

-The Data is required solely for academic or research purpose only.

  1. Self Undertaking saying ‘I will submit one copy of Project Report to Hydrology Project, Nashik after completion of research’
  2. Copy of One Page Abstract of Project Study

Adhar Card from both sides.


Non-Government Organisation






Please click on follows for getting formats of Above Mentioned Documents:

  1. Letter of Educational Institute Specifying-


         -No Financial Grants available to Candidates for research specified in Data  


         -The Data is required solely for academic or research purpose only.


  1. Self Undertaking saying ‘I will submit one copy of Project Report to 

           Hydrology Project, Nashik after completion of research’


  1. Now your Data Request will be forwarded to ‘SDSC, Nashik’. You can check progress of Data Request on ‘DRF Status tab’
  2. Your DRF Status will be seen in Five Steps including ‘Data Extraction’, ‘Generating Data Invoice’, ‘Approval to File’, PPT Presentation for Students/Payment of Data Cost’ and ‘Dissemination of Data to HDU’
  3. Generated invoice will be available at ‘DRF Status’ tab. For Students, if Data cost is more than Rs. 10,000/- then that student candidate has to deliver PPT Presentation at the office of Hydrology Project, Nashik as per present Data Policy for students or Researcher. This PPT Presentation should elaborate need of data for your educational purpose, requested to SDSC, Nashik.
  4. Data Cost can be paid either in online, offline or by Bank Transaction. For online payment of Data Cost, link is available at ‘DRF Status tab’. Offline payment can be done at any Hydrology Project Division / Sub divisional Office in Maharashtra. The list of Divisional office is available at HDUG Cell from HDUG Tab.
  5. You can also deposit Data Cost amount at nearby SBI Bank and can submit bank transaction ID at ‘Bank Transaction’ option provided at ‘Bank Transaction’ Tab . You can also submit through option provided at ‘Payment Information’ Tab in ‘HDUG’ Tab over Home Page. However SBI non home branch transaction charged will be charged extra. 
  6. After getting payment of Data Cost and final approval to File, your Data will be uploaded on website at concerned HDU Account. After uploading data, automatically generated  intimation SMS and email by website will be sent to HDU registered mobile number and email id.
  7. Data File will be available for download at DRF Status tab provided in ‘HDU login’ for 15 days from date of Data Uploading and then automatically it will disappear.
  8. After Data Download, member can fill a feedback form to rate the service provided for further improvement. 
  9. Students or Research Candidate must upload soft copy of Project Report on website through ‘Submit Project Report’ tab provided in HDU login area. Hard copy shall be submitted by post to Office of ‘Hydrology Project, Nashik’ as per undertaking.

  1. Offline Submission of Data Request to SDSC, Nashik


  1. For submitting Data Request Form, download ‘Data Request Form-DRF’ either in ‘M S Word’ or PDF format from Download tab provided on Home Page.
  2. Go through Data Availability Sub-tab provided in Data Request Tab on home page to know Data Availability for a particular station. You can locate your required station in maps provided in ‘HIS Network’ sub-tab from HIS tab provided over Home Page.
  3. Fill up the all information and details of Data Request as per your need ofof Data. After Signing and putting Seal of Office, scan this DRF Form and send scan copy of DRF to ‘’.
  4. Send scan copy of following documents on ‘’ as per category of HDU along with DRF. Original hard Copy/Attested Copies of Documents must be received at Office of Hydrology Project, Nashik by post or by hand. Data Dissemination will be done only after receiving these documents to SDSC, Nashik.


Sr. No.

HDU Category

Documents Required.



  1. Copy of Registration for Ph.D Candidates
  2. Letter of Educational Institute Specifying-

-No Financial Grants available to Candidates for research specified in Data Request.

-The Data is required solely for academic or research purpose only.

  1. Self Undertaking saying ‘I will submit one copy of Project Report to Hydrology Project, Nashik after completion of research’
  2. Copy of One Page Abstract of Project Study
  3. Adhar Card from both sides.


Government/ Semi-government







  1. Latest 7/12 Abstract issued by the Talathi of Revenue Dept.


Educational Institute

  1. Copy of Registration for Ph.D Candidates
  2. Letter of Educational Institute Specifying-

-No Financial Grants available to Candidates for research specified in Data Request.

-The Data is required solely for academic or research purpose only.

  1. Self Undertaking saying ‘I will submit one copy of Project Report to Hydrology Project, Nashik after completion of research’
  2. Copy of One Page Abstract of Project Study

Adhar Card from both sides.


Non-Government Organisation






Formats of Above Mentioned Documents:

  1.      Letter of Educational Institute Specifying-


         -No Financial Grants available to Candidates for research specified in Data  


         -The Data is required solely for academic or research purpose only.


  1. Self Undertaking saying ‘I will submit one copy of Project Report to 

           Hydrology Project, Nashik after completion of research’


  1. This DRF will be received to ‘SDSC, Nashik’. After extracting Data, Data Invoice will be generated and sent to HDU on its registered email id.
  2. For students, PPT presentation will be mandatory if Data Cost is more than Rs.10,000/- to get data since this data will be free of cost for research or educational purpose as per present Data Policy.
  3. Data Cost can be paid either in online, offline or by Bank. For online payment of Data Cost, link is available at ‘Payment Information’ provided in ‘HDUG’ tab on Home. Offline payment can be done at any Hydrology Project Division Office in Maharashtra. The list of Divisional office is available at HDUG Cell from HDUG Tab.
  4. You can also deposit Data Cost amount at nearby SBI Bank and can submit bank transaction ID at ‘Payment Information’ Tab in ‘HDUG’ Tab over Home Page. However SBI non home branch transaction charged will be charged extra. 
  5. You can also deposit membership amount at nearby Nationalized Bank and can submit bank transaction ID at ‘Bank Transaction’ option provided at ‘Offline Payment’ Tab . 
  6. After payment of Data cost and final approval to File, Data will be disseminated on registered email id of HDU and intimation SMS will be sent on registered mobile number by website.
  7. Students or Research Candidate must send soft copy of Project Report on above mentioned email id. Hard copy shall be submitted by post to Office of ‘Hydrology Project, Nashik’ as per undertaking.


Last Modified on: 06 March 2025