Introduction to Hydrology Project (SW), Maharashtra
Welcome to Hydrology Project (Surface Water-SW), Maharashtra State. The prime objective of Hydrology Project is to develop and implement a sustainable Hydrological Information System (HIS) through improvement and strengthening the infrastructure of Hydro-meteorological stations, training extensively the personnel involved and computerization of the data for meaningful analysis and dissemination to the users.
Hydrology Project Phase I was implemented during the period 1995 to 2003. Under this project, mainly Hydro-metrological network has been established in the State. Total expenditure incurred was Rs. 63.52 Cr.
Hydrology Project Phase II was implemented during the period 2006 to 2014. Under this project, mainly Real Time Data acquisition System (RTDAS) in Krishna- Bhima Basin has been installed and Real Time Stream Flow Forecasting (RTSF) has been developed. Total expenditure incurred was Rs. 37.26 Cr.
After successful implementation of Hydrology Project Phase I & II, Government of India has accorded approval to National Hydrology Project (NHP) which includes establishing Real Time Data Acquisition System (RTDAS) all over Maharashtra including remaining part of south of Panchganga in Krishna basin of Maharashtra state.
Hydrology Project Phase-I (HP-I)
Hydrology Project is taken up in November 1995 with the help of World Bank under credit No. 2774-IN. The prime objective is to develop sustainable Hydrological Information System (HIS) for the participating 13 States & 8 central agencies including Maharashtra state in India. The Hydrological Information System comprises Hydro meteorological monitoring infrastructure and a set of easily accessible comprehensive and user friendly database for data validation, processing, storage, dissemination etc.
The development of hydrological database supports major aspects of India's Water Policy particularly in allocation, planning and management of water resources. The information provided by the system is being tuned to the requirements of decision / policy makers, designers and researchers. It will be useful to take decision, to study the water resources for long term planning's or for design of water resources structure.
Participating States in HP-I
Participating Central Agencies
Hydrology Project Phase-II (HP-II)
Project Component for Hydrology Project Phase-II
Hydrology Project Phase-III (National Hydrology Project-NHP)
After Successful completion of HP-I & HP-II, third phase of Hydrology Project, now named as 'National Hydrology Project-NHP has been taken up for the duration of March 2016 to March 2025. National Hydrology Project includes establishing Real Time Data Acquisition System (RTDAS) all over Maharashtra including remaining part of south of Panchganga in Krishna basin of Maharashtra state. It also includes establishment of new Water Quality Lab at Jalgaon, renovation and furnishing of existing Water Quality Lab and Divisional & Sub Divisional Data Center and Institutional Capacity enhancement by Training and Workshops. GoI, MoWR has accorded their approval to NHP amounting to Rs.150 Cr. Vide their letter dated 16 December 2016.
Project Component for Hydrology Project Phase-IIII (National Hydrology Project)
Hydromet Network
comprehensive River Basin Water Accounting Software that will enable
Implementing agencies for planning assessment using standardized procedure.