Introduction to India - WRIS
Water information in Public domain - Initiative of India-WRIS Project with the aim of dissemination of data in public domain constitute the most important aspects of the water resources management. Information on the state of water resources is must for planning and water resources management strategy. Considering the challenges involved in the water resources sector, Government of India took an initiative for developing a centralised platform to act as a repository of water resources and related data at National level with administrative granularity up to the smaller units of governance at state level as well as hydrological level such as basin and sub basins. India-WRIS focuses on ensuring increase in public and stakeholders awareness about the present status of water resources and the need for its effective management by attracting their interest in leading towards the holistic goal of water security. New technologies like GIS and Remote sensing together with Water resources domain skills has proven its application in successful mapping, evaluation and management strategizing of the asset. This includes all varied sources data collection, standardization, and storage of the entire gamete of information on a nationalized scale. Hence, providing an operational system for all kind of users with increased visibility and global standard platform on public domain. Please click here for visiting India-WRIS Website. (Pls give link for this website -