Opening times
Mon - Sat: 7.00 - 18:00

Training and Events


Training & Events

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Training Calendar


  Text Box: Training & Events
    Text Box: Training Calendar
      Text Box: Upcoming Events   Text Box: Past Events






When user clicks on ‘Training Calendar following table must get open




   Please click over ‘Upcoming Events’ button to know more and nominate for training  …….this text shall be blinking

    Calendar Year : :




Event Type

Event Organizer

Training Subject

Date of Training

Duration of Training



































     Please provide filter for ‘Event Type’, ‘Event Organizer’, ‘Date of Training’ , ‘Duration’ ‘Venue’

    When user clicks on ‘Training Subject’, following page with different pop up shall get open on website which was already uploaded in backend through CMS….






When user clicks on ‘Upcoming Events’ following table must get open. If any training is coming within 30 days then that training shall be available in ‘Upcoming Events’ as well as it shall be available in ‘Calendar too’




   Please click over title of ‘Training Subject’ from following table to know more and nominate for training  …….this text shall be blinking

Calendar Year : :




Event Type

Event Organizer

Training Subject

Date of Training

Duration of Training



List of Accepted Nominees















Click Here

Text Box: Click Here











Click Here

Text Box: Click Here











Click Here

Text Box: Click Here






     Please provide filter for ‘Event Type’, ‘Event Organizer’, ‘Date of Training’ , ‘Duration’ ‘Venue’

   When user clicks on ‘Click here’ button, list of accepted nominees which was uploaded in backend through CMS shall be displayed here.

    When user clicks on ‘Training Subject’, following page with different pop up shall get open on website which was already uploaded in backend through CMS….







Training & Events


  Text Box: Training & Events





   Event Type:

   Event Organizer:

   Training Subject:

   Date of Training:

  Duration of Training in Days :

  Venue :

  Link for Online Training :

  Contact Person :

  Contact Number :

  Nominal Information on Training :

  To download Official Letter : Click here

  Nominee Registration : Click here to register for this training

  When user clicks over ‘here’ for Nomination registration then following pop up shall get open







Training & Events


  Text Box: Training & Events




Male / Female

Drop down shall be provided to select

Select Title Mr/Miss

Drop down shall be provided

Space for writing name

     Nomination Registration:

      Full Name :                                                                                                     Gender :




Space for writing mobile no.


Space for writing Contact  no.


   Mobile No.:                                                             Alternate Contact No.:


Space for writing Adhar no.



Calendar shall be provided

Space for writing employee code

   Employee Code :                                                            Adhar No. :                                                                                                                                                                                                             DOB :



Calendar shall be provided


Chief Engineer/ Superintending Engineer / Executive Engineer / Sub-divisional Engineer/Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer Gr.-I/ Assistant Engineer Gr.-II/ Sectional Engineer / Junior Engineer/ Technical Assistant / Other Technical / Other Non-technical

Drop down shall be provided with above options to select one of them




Date of Appointment in Service :                                                    Designation :








Please provide drop down for three circle offices, list attached in annexure-I


Please provide drop down for divisions under selected circle office, list attached in annexure -I



Circle Office:                                                                                                  Division Office:                                                                                                                                                                 



Please provide drop down for sub-divisions under selected division office, list attached in annexure -I


Space to write name of office





Sub-division Office :                                                                                      Other  Office :                                                                                                                        



Click Here


  Text Box: Click Here


 Link for Nominations on External Website :                                   Link shall be fetched here as entered in backend through CMS



Send OTP


  Text Box: Send OTP


Click on Send OTP button for submitting this request :





Space for entering OTP

  Text Box: SAVE


Enter OTP and click on ‘Save’ Button  






























































When user clicks on ‘Past Events’ following table must get open. If any training




   Please click over title of ‘Training Subject’ to know more  …….this text shall be blinking

Calendar Year




Event Type

Event Organizer

Training Subject

Date of Training

Duration of Training



List of Accepted Nominees















Click Here

Text Box: Click Here











Click Here

Text Box: Click Here











Click Here

Text Box: Click Here






     Please provide filter for ‘Event Type’, ‘Event Organizer’, ‘Date of Training’ , ‘Duration’ ‘Venue’

   When user clicks on ‘Click here’ button, list of accepted nominees which was uploaded in backend through CMS shall be displayed here.

    When user clicks on ‘Training Subject’, following page with different pop up shall get open on website which was already uploaded in backend through CMS….










Training & Events


  Text Box: Training & Events





   Event Type:

   Event Organizer:

   Training Subject:

   Date of Training:

  Duration of Training in Days :

  Venue :

  Link for Online Training :

  Contact Person :

  Contact Number :

  Nominal Information on Training :

  Click here to download Official Letter :







Please give provision at backend at CMS


  1. Please provide provision at CMS for Entering ‘Event Type (Drop down shall be provided as Inhouse/NHP/DSO/Other)’ , ‘Event Organizer (space for writing shall be provided)’ , ‘Training Subject (space for writing shall be provided)’, ‘Calendar for entering date’, ‘duration (space for writing shall be provided)’ and ‘Venue (space for writing shall be provided)’, ‘Link for Online Training (space for writing shall be provided)’, ‘Contact Person (space for writing shall be provided) ‘Nominal Information on Training (space for writing shall be provided)’, ‘Click here to download Official Letter (provision to attach file)’ and provision to write ‘Remark’
  2. All information from ‘Nomination Registration’ and provision to approve nomination shall be made available at CMS
  3. Also provide provision to upload and send pdf copy of ‘Call Letter’ to various logins with drop down



















  1. Circle Office
    1. SE, Data Collection, Planning & Hydrology Circle, Nashik
    2. SE, Data Analysis Circle, Nashik
    3. SE, Dam Safety Organization


  1. Division Offices
    1. Following are division offices under SE, Data Collection, Planning & Hydrology Circle, Nashik
      1. EE, HPD Pune
      2. EE, HPD Aurangabad
      3. EE, HPD Nagpur
      4. EE, HPD Amravati
      5. EE, HPD Thane


    1. Following are division offices under  SE, Data Analysis Circle, Nashik
      1. HDPD, Nashik
      2. WPD (Y), Nashik
      3. WPD (F), Nashik
      4. Hydro, Nashik


     No Sub-division to above four divisions


    1. Following are division offices under  SE, Dam Safety Organization
      1. DSO No.1, Nashik
      2. DSO No.2, Nashik
      3. DSO No.3, Nashik
      4. Canal Safety, Nashik
      5. Dam Safety Cell, Nashik
      6. IRD, Nashik

       No Sub-division to above six divisions



  1. Sub-division Offices under Divisions of SE, Data Collection, Planning & Hydrology Circle, Nashik
      1. EE, HPD Pune
        1. HPSD, Pune
        2. HPSD, Shirur
        3. HPSD, Solapur
        4. HPSD, Satara
        5. HPSD, Sangli
        6. HPSD, Kolhapur
      2. EE, HPD Aurangabad
        1. HPSD, Aurangabad
        2. HPSD, Nanded
        3. HPSD, Ambaaajogai
        4. HPSD, Nashik
        5. HPSD, Newasa
        6. HPSD, Jalna
      3. EE, HPD Nagpur
        1. HPSD, Nagpur  
        2. HPSD, Wardha
        3. HPSD, Chandrapur
        4. HPSD, Bhramhpuri
      4. EE, HPD Amravati
        1. HPSD, Akola
        2. HPSD, Jalgaon
        3. HPSD, Dhule


      1. EE, HPD Thane
        1. HPSD, Wada
        2. HPSD, Karjat
        3. HPSD, kalwa-Thane
        4. HPSD, Devrukh
        5. HPSD, Phodaghat
        6. HPSD, Kolad





Last Modified on: 12 March 2025