Opening times
Mon - Sat: 7.00 - 18:00


Introduction & Brief on HDUG

It is a State or National Level representative Group of data users who have a stake in Water Resources utilization, assessment & management. HDUG is required to identify the potential data users and regularly analyze their data needs and to ensure that the HIS output remains at all times ‘demand driven’

It comprises of one common HDUG in the state representing SW & GW departments and common HDUG at the national level, constituting users of CWC and CGWB data. The state or central level forum comprising all the members of HDUG will be called the General body. The general body will be assisted by secretariat located at the state level / national level data center. The general body members can examine and discuss specific tasks to be carried out from and recommend the mode of executing such tasks.

Purpose of establishing HDUG:

  • To provide a common platform for discussion between hydro meteorological Data Users &

Data provider.

  • To create awareness amongst users about Hydrological Information System (HIS) &

Educate them.

  • To understand, analyze & update information on the changing needs of data users.
  • To review & recommend addition/ deletion in the data collection networks related to HIS,

if appropriate.

Various institutes are taking advantage of Hydrometeorological Data e.g. Water Resources Deptt., Water Supply Deptt., Water Conservation Deptt., Public Works Deptt., Railway, Forest, Pollution Control Board, Private institutes, Educational institutes, students, Researchers, State and Central institutes etc. Hydrometeorological data is supplied to HDUG members only. 

Scope of Activities of  HDUG:

HDUG is a representative body of current and potential large scale and repeat users of HIS data. This body will be vested with two broad roles:

  • Advisory role
  • Demand - supply linkage role

Under these roles the general body w ill function according to the scope of activities defined

  • Advisory role
    • Advise the member secretary regarding the nature, type, frequency and extent of data generally requested by various users
    • Advise the member secretary about possible ways and methods of providing publicity to HIS.
    • Study literature, publicity and education material supplied by the member secretary.
    • Advice on educating institutional and individual users of the HIS data.
    • Make suggestions to incorporate the representative view s and needs of data users.
    • Recommend appropriate tariff structure for data dissemination.
    • Suggest best possible means and methods of translating HIS data into comprehensible, user friendly form.
    • Form a task group selected from the sitting members.
  • Demand - supply linkage role
    • Assist in conducting Hydrology Information Needs.
    • Assist in design data supply formats.
    • Assists in accurate articulation of view s, policies and guide lines.
    • Provide feedback on functional efficiency of the HIS.
    • Participate in workshops, seminars, meetings and other forums of discussions.

HDUG Membership Registration

The registration for membership of the HDUG is open to all by paying Rs.500/- as a membership fee for duration of 5 years, which can be renewed and Rs. 2500/- for life membership. The data is supplied to HDUG members with price. Details regarding pricing of data, discount thereof, Registration Form for membership and data request form are available on website. This HDUG Membership can be used for both Hydrology Project (SW), Nashik & Ground Water Survey and Development Agency (GSDA), Pune to get Hydrological Data.

HDUG Membership Details:












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Last Modified on: 06 March 2025