Opening times
Mon - Sat: 7.00 - 18:00


Background-National Hydrology Project (NHP)

The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD & GR), Government of India (GoI) has proposed the Hydrology Project Phase III, now named as National Hydrology Project (NHP) as follow-on to the earlier Hydrology Projects (HP-I and HP-II). Hydrology Projects have been the central government initiatives and efforts in India to improve the planning, development, and management of water resources, as well as flood forecasting and reservoir operations in real-time. The project with completed two phases (Phase I from 1995 to 2003 and Phase II from 2006 to 2014) has established the backbone of a comprehensive Hydrological Information System (HIS) in India, providing scientifically verified, uniformly accepted and widely accessed hydrological records covering all aspects of the hydrological cycle. Apart from improving and standardizing the country's hydro-meteorological and geo-hydrological monitoring systems, HP-I and HP-II were instrumental in promoting a paradigm shift from relatively isolated water resources development towards comprehensive planning, development, and management of water resources in a river basin context. HP-I covered nine states and six central agencies, while HPII was implemented in 13 states and eight central agencies, predominantly in Central and Southern India. After successfully participating in the first two phases of Hydrology Project, the Hydrology Project, Nashik is participating in NHP as one of the state agencies.


  • GoI, MoWR has accorded their approval to NHP amounting to Rs.150 Cr. Vide their letter dated 16 December 2016.
  • GoM has accorded Administrative Approval vide their letter dated 16 March 2017 for Project Costing Rs.150 Cr. 
  • MoA between GoM, MoWR, GoI & World Bank has been signed on 14 October 2016.
  • Funding Pattern: Out of the total cost of Rs. 3679.76 Cr, Cost of Maharashtra -Surface Water part Rs. 150 Crore). Govt. of India will be providing 100% grant to the state agencies. No state sharing is involved in the cost.

Project Duration and Key Dates

Start date : 16.3.2017

Duration : 8 years (Closure date 31.03.2025) 

End date : 31.03.2025

Last Modified on: 06 March 2025