Opening times
Mon - Sat: 7.00 - 18:00

Work Profile

Dam Safety Organisation, Nashik comprises Six divisions in DSO as mentioned in the organisation chart. Three divisions are for Dam Safety, Each One Division for Canal Safety, Instrumentation andResearch and externally funded World Bank Project.

The allotment of work of each division is as follow,

  • Dam Safety Division No. 1, 2 and 3

Three divisions for Dam Safety having jurisdiction as follow,

Sr. No.




Dam Safety Division No.1, Nashik

Konkan and Pune Region


Dam Safety Division No.2, Nashik

Amravati and Nagpur Region


Dam Safety Division No.3, Nashik

Nashik and Aurangabad Region


Followings are the functions of three divisions working for Dam Safety:

  1. PublishingRegional Annual Dam Health Status Report of Class-I and II dams based on scrutiny ofPre and Post-Monsoon Inspection Reports and Action Taken Reports received from field officesand Test inspections carried out by DSO Officials.
  2. PublishingConsolidated Annual Dam Health Status Report of Class-I and II dams based on Six Regional Annual Health Status Report as per rotation of divisions.
  3. Publishing Triannual Consolidated Annual Dam Health Status Report of Century old dams based on Six Regional Annual Health Status Reportas per rotation of divisions.
  4. To carryout Test Inspections of dams as per DG, DTHRS, MERI approved Annual Inspection Programme.
  5. Prepare Instrumentation Data Analysis Report of specified dams.
  6. To respondsafety related queries &correspondence from Field Offices of respective regions.
  7. Update National Register of Large Dams (NRLD)of regions allotted.
  8. Correspondence related 10 Year Review of dams.
  9. Inspection of Private and semi-government dams on consultancy basis of specified dams.


In addition to this, Dam following works are specifically assigned to divisions.

  • Dam Safety Division No.1 :
  1. Updation of Dam Safety Chapter No. 6, 8 and 9.
  2. EE, DSD 1 will act as a Member Secretary of Koyna Tremor Committee.
  3. Correspondence of Flood Plain Zoning Bill.
  • Dam Safety Division No.2 :
  1. Updation of Dam Safety Chapter No.1, 4 and 5.
  2. Preparation of Annual Dam and Canal Safety Inspection programme for approval from DG, DTHRS, MERI.
  3. Correspondence related to Railway Affected Tanks.
  • Dam Safety Division No.3 :
  1. Updation of Dam Safety Chapter No.3.
  2. Compilation of National Register of Large Dams (NRLD) for state.
  3. Correspondence related Dam Safety Bill.
  • Canal Safety Division, Nashik 
  1. Publication of Annual Canal Health status Report based on Inspection Reports of Canal Network and Action Taken Report received from Field Offices as well as Test Inspection Reports of selected Canal Network carried out by Canal Safety Division, Nashik.
  2. Test Inspection of Major and Medium Project's Canal Structures.
  3. Prepare Canal Safety Manual.
  4. Create database of structures of completed Canal Network.
  • Instrumentation Research Division, Nashik
  1. Procurement, Installation and commissioning of all special sophisticated instruments including all imported instruments.
  2. Annual Inspection, checking and calibration of all instruments and furnishing calibration details to field offices. 
  3. Assisting field officers in identification of cases of abnormal and deficient working of instruments and setting right the deficiencies.
  4. Carrying out special repairs of instrumentation.
  5. Maintaining stock of important fast-moving component of instruments, spare gauges and special stationary such as graphs, charts, photographic papers, cassettes, magnetic tapes, special inks, chemicals etc. to meet the field requirements.
  6. Imparting training to field officers and staff regarding proper upkeepof instruments and methods of taking correct observations.
  7. Supplying copies of manufacturer’s literature regarding instrumentation to the field offices.
  8. Research and Developmental works related to methods of instrumentation and collection and processing of data for improving quality and utility of the data.
  9. Investigations of any special cases with the approval of government.
  10. Dam Safety Organisationact as a Nodal Agency for Seismic Activity in Maharashtra State.


There are five cells working under this divisions with following specific functions.

  1. Instrument Procurement Cell
  1. Procurement of Dam Safety Instruments, Lab Equipment through Technical Specification Committee.
  2. Installation of Dam Safety Instruments.
  3. Pre and Post Monsoon Inspections of Dam Safety Instruments
  4. Instrument Manufacturing Cell

Manufacturing of following Dam Safety Instruments,

1.Conventional plumb bob.

4.Surface Settlement Plug

2.Inverted Plumb bob.

5.Uplift pressure Cell

3.Open Pan Evaporimeter

6.Special type of Instruments Erection

  1. Instruments Repair Cell

Inspection, Testing, Repairing and Calibration,

1.Dumpy level


2.Prismatic Compass

5.Stardsand Staves



  1. Seismic Instrumentation Cell

1) Inspection, Monitoring & Repairing of Nashik seismological observatory  

2) Primary Analysis of Seismic Data recorded at Nashik seismological Observatory.

3) Inspection, Supervision, Repairing Seismic instrument of 35 seismological 

Observatory and 13 Accelerograph at  Dam site of Maharashtra state.

Please click here to detailed list of seismological Observatory & Accelerograph

4) Installation of new  Seismograph and accelerograph instruments.

5) Imparting training to field officers & staff regarding proper maintenance & 

operations of instruments& methods of taking correct observations.

6) Directing investigation of any Special cases with the approval of 

government related to seismic activity.   

7) Participation in the meetings of Central/State/Different Institute regarding 

 seismic activity.

  1. Seismic Data Analysis Cell
  1. Dam safety organization acts as a Nodal Agency for Seismicity in Maharashtra.
  2. The data collected from 35 Seismic observatories and 13 accelerogaphs are compiled and analyzed in this cell.
  3. Reports on the earthquake activity are sent regularly to Government of Maharashtra.
  4. Using HYPO-71 program earthquake epicenters are analyzed .After analyzing, the earthquake data is published in the form of quarterly seismological bulletin.
  5. Also published biannual technical report (Seismicity in Maharashtra)
  6. To organize training program to field officers about seismicity.
  7. To create awareness about earthquakes to the people by participating disaster management workshops.
  • Mathematical Cell, Nashik 
  1. Preparation of Instrumentation Data Analysis Report of specified dams. 
  2. Compilation of region wise & for state chapter of Meteorological instrumentation in Regional & Consolidated Annual Dam Health Status Report.
  3. Compilation of the documents specified by the National Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS) such as GOS, ROS, Data Book, O & M Manual, EAP, Record Drawings and Completion Report for the state.
  4. Correspondence related to Development of PRAVAH-2 Mobile App.
  5. Updation of Consultancy charges.
  6. Preparation of Annual Dam Inspection Programme of Consultancy work.
  7. Maintaining record of financial transactions of consultancy work.
  8. Distribution of consultancy charges. 

Last Modified on: 06 March 2025